How to see the best of Mt.Fuji and surrounding area

Trips from Tokyo

Mt.Fuji and surrounding area

Mt.Fuji is a major attraction among Japanese and foreign tourists because of its beautiful shape often used as symbol of Japan, and the great nature around the mountain. Even though you can see Mt.Fuji from Tokyo on sunny days, you can enjoy the dynamic view of the mountain if you go to the nearby towns.

Is the volcano still active?

Everyone thinks Mt.Fuji is a closed volcano, but it still has a possibility to erupt even though there aren’t clear sign of activities for hundreds years after the last eruption in 1707. Meanwhile it’s quite, let’s enjoy the beautiful nature the Mt.Fuji gave us.

Where to see Mt.Fuji

As the mountain is a sole mountain, the locations you can see Mt.Fuji is spread to 360 degrees around the Mt.Fuji. Probably the most easy way is going to Lake Kawaguchiko by bus or trains. Other popular area is Gotenba in the south east of Mt.Fuji. If you have a rental car, you can drive around and enjoy different views from 5 lakes by the mountain and even camping at Fumotoppara, the famous camp ground overlooking Mt.Fuji.  If the weather is good, you can see the mountain very well.

Some might wants to go up the mountain. Need to be well prepared to climber to the summit and see your health condition during your travel. But if you want to go up to the middle of the Mt.Fuji, you can access to the middle of the mountain called gogome(5合目)by bus or rental car too. Access to Mt.Fuji is allowed only during summer season.

Major Places and attractions to see Mt.Fuji

Lake Kawaguchiko

MT.Fuji from Lake Kawaguchiko

Lake Kawaguchiko in Yamanashi is one of the five lakes that lay north of Mt.Fuji. Lake Kawaguchiko is probably the most popular place to see the Mt.Fuji as it has plenty of access from Tokyo, and the shape of Mt.Fuji is one of the most beautiful from this side. There are many attraction such as Kawaguchiko Ropeway, Fujikyu Highland which is famous for roller coasters. The bus to gogome of Mt.Fuji also leaves from here during summer season. You an access by the bus from Shinjuku Bus Terminal in Tokyo or JR Chuo Line and Fujikyu Railway

Access :  JR Chuo Line from Shinjuku, Change to Fuji Kyuko at Otsuki. Bus: Bus route to Kawaguchiko, some bus goes further to gogome (in the middle of Mt.Fuji) and Lake Yamanakako.


Fuji Panoramic Ropeway 9:00-16:00  900Yen



Gotenba is a city located southeast of Mt.Fuji. There aren’t many tourist spots to see Mt.Fuji, but it has Gotenba Premium Outlet mall that has direct bus access from Shinjuku station.



Bus : Odakyu bus from Shinjuku bus terminal to the Premium Outlet.

Train: Odakyu Romance car “Fujisan” from Shinjuku station. to JR Gotenba station.

Lake Yamanakako and Oshino Hakkai

Some buses to Lake Kawaguchiko proceed to Lake Yamanakako and Oshino Hakkai – a pond the water fountain from Mt.Fuji.

Mishima Kakitagawa Park

Driving around Mt.Fuji

If you have a rental car, you can access to where it’s difficult to access by public transportation, and enjoy more variety of views of Mt.Fuji. If you have equipment, you can also enjoy camping at several camping site around Mt.Fuji. The most famous camp ground is Fumotoppara in west side of Mt.Fuji.

Lake Motosuko

Lake Motosuko, is a one of the 5 lakes of Mt.Fuji. There is a camp ground called Koan, and from the load around there, you can see amazing view of Mt.Fuji. The beautiful view of Mt.Fuji from Lake Motosuko is drawn on the 1000 Yen bill.

Koan Camp Ground (EN)

Fumotoppara Camp Ground

Fumotoppara is a popular camp ground located in the westside of Mt.Fuji, which is the other side of the Mount Fuji from Tokyo. While many camp ground in Japan is located in the middle of forests, Fumotoppara offers a wide grass area with dynamic view of Mt.Fuji.

Fumotoppara Camp Ground(JP)



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